Battle to your favorite melodies with a large number of instruments !In Cosmic Beat, everything is made of music, and makes music. You, the items, your enemies... Everything ! Travel through the galaxy and defend yourself against musical alien ships in what appears to be an infinite assault.Your music adapts to the game's intensity, starting nice and slow, and quickly falling into fast and intense non-stopping action. - Import your own music !- Improve your ship with weapons and armors- Buy from a large arsenal of items to defend yourself or improve your attack.- Import your own music !- Choose your favorite instruments in a selection of 16 different orchestras, from classical to chiptunes, and even dogs barking ! Because who wouldn't want to hear dogs barking the national anthem while you're shooting aliens ?-Quick gameplay, perfect for short sessions- Import your own music ! Did we mention that ?- Endless gameplay, and endless musical possibilities.- Simple, easy to learn gameplay : just tap !- Import your own music ! That's cool too !